Nov 23, 2011

Blind Kitten Plays With Toys for the First Time

Oskar the blind kitten is playing with toys for the first time! He was born without formed eyeballs, but that doesn't stop him from "seeing" the toys with his other senses.

His new parents gave him his first toys ever -- bells with balls in them -- the day after they adopted him. It took him just a few seconds to figure out how to play with them, and then he was off to happy kitty playtime just like any other kitten.

If you didn't know, you might not even know he was a blind kitten! My heart is a giant puddle watching this video. I'm pretty sure I literally melted. So much awwww!

P.S. You might remember Oskar from his other super cute video that was going around not too long ago - Blind Kitten vs. Hair Dryer!

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  1. Aww!  What a beautiful and clever cat.  I hope he has a wonderful life.  His parents have done a good thing adopting him.  So gorgeous.

  2. What a darling baby boy!  Don't you just want to pick him up and squish him so tight and keep him safe.  Thank you people for giving Oskar a chance to live, love and PLAY.  I had one of my babies (at 12 yrs.) go blind and her next closest kin stayed ever so close to her.  My beautiful Misty Blu (blue pt. Siamese - both).  They have such keen smelling sense and so many other attributes that Oskar will be just fine with his buddy.

  3. So precious!! Go Oskar!

  4. Oh wow! Look at him go!! And he is so fast! So nice that he found a nice home. 

  5. Even though this is precious, it just broke my heart :(

  6. Awwww, that is very sweet. I hope that you and Pimp and Moo have a Happy Thanksgiving

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this video of Oskar.
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Shelley and my kitty krew; Lili, Luci, and Mimi

  8. Oh Dorian,that was terrific. Wonder if a blind kitty can be socialized with other cats. What a wonderful video. Thanks so much.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this. This video made me tear up but I am so glad that animals like him were lucky enough to get into a loving home. I love coming to your blog to find amazing videos like this! They make my day =)

    ~ Kieli ~

  10. Blind cats have absolutely no problem socializing with other cats. You should read "Homer's Odyssey" by Gwen Cooper, the story of blind kitty Homer. Very inspirational.

  11. Beautiful - bless his heart and God Bless his human parents...

  12. So special and heartwarming! My love to this precious boy and the compassionate and kind people that gave him a home!

  13. The perfect video to watch on Thanksgiving morning. :) 

  14. may the Lord bless these wonderful parents.


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