Nov 13, 2011

Kitty and Baby Show Off Their Bellies

Harry the cat is just lounging around with him human baby sister, Penelope. I think he might actually be trying to teach her to roll over! He is a good brother.

And he pets her very soft. Such a sweet kitty!


  1. kitty wants Penelope to pay attention --  watch & learn kid, watch & learn

  2. This is priceless.  A keeper in fact.  Thanks for adding this one.

  3. What a sweet little kitteh.  I love the gentle little head rub.

  4. Looks like my adopted Polydactyl (Paulie)....same markings but toes are definitely different.  LOL

  5. awww so precious!!

  6. Awww. I've got movies like that too from when my kids were little. Our kitty at the time would allow Em to suck on her tail! It was really sweet. Well, maybe not for the cat, but you wouldn't know it!!


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