Jan 30, 2012

Scared Dog Just Needed a Hug

Sometimes it really is true: All you need is love.

Edie was scheduled to be euthanized the day before this video, but someone saw how scared she was and rescued her from the shelter. She was taken to the vet to get looked at where she was just terrified of everything.

Until someone pulled poor little Edie in their lap and gave her a hug.

The last few lines of that video are so true. So many shelter animals are overlooked because they aren't as "cute" or "friendly" as others. Of course they aren't... It's scary in there! They all deserve a chance. :)


  1. I'm sooooo happy for Edie and for whomever has rescued her.  She is really so sweet and truly only needed to be hugged and shown that she is 'needed by someone'.   Darling wee thing.  I hope she lives a long, healthy life.

  2. Im so happy  and grateful that Edie's life was spared.
    I too saved a maltese puppy from a bad home.If i hadn't taken her ...she would have been put down at the age of 4.I'm happy to say that my girl sasha will be 12 this year and she is truly my little angel ...she blesses me daily.

    To whoever saved Edie...thank you.

    Ive enclosed  a picture  of sasha

  3. She's a very fortunate little girl to finally have the love she deserves. God bless her, and her rescuers!

  4. Poor scared dog just needed a cuddle, that's all, and then she came out
    so much better than she went in!!! This is one of those times when there
    needs to be a Fbook button labelled 'tail wag' :-)

  5. What an awesome story! Thank you so much to the person that saved her, to the person that called Edie's new owner and to you, Dorian for posting this so we can share Edie's story and hopefully help more animals out there that just need a hug :)

    ~ Kieli ~

  6. Oh, man. Thanks for the tears this morning!! What a wonderful story!! Here's to all those shelter workers who truly love and want to save ALL the pets they can!  

  7. awww poor baby  

  8. YEAH!!! It is so true - I think some shelter workers (and not to fault them - their jobs are hard enough) get in a hurry and don't or can't take the time to see past the terror. And yet with a little patience and love, there are great animals that just can't take the shelter system. Thank heaven for people like this!!

  9. Crying & smiling.  Everybody deserves a chance and how hard is it to give a hug.  Thanks for this wonderful story.

  10. So glad to see there are caring people out there, all animals deserve a chance at a forever home. Thanks for loving and saving Edie.

  11. Pricilla - Famous SpokesGoatJanuary 30, 2012 at 11:40 AM

    That made the publicist cry....

  12. Awww, it makes me so sad to think that poor doggie was so scared :( I'm glad she got a hug, she looked much much happier after that! Good on her rescuers :)

  13. That made our Mom cry too. Wow, what a story. What wonderful people those were. I hope she found a great home where someone will hug her. It just takes a little love.

  14. heartbreaking that she was so scared. but i was so excited and happy at the end after she had her bath. edie really did become a different dog after a little TLC.


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