Feb 7, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: Mohawks and Pimp Hats!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today is a silly one! I ordered some fun hats for the boys and they came last night -- just in time to post for today!

I ordered Moo the funkiest, silliest mohawk ever from bitchknits and Pimp the most pimptastic Pimp hat from SarabiRose, both on Etsy. I was so excited that I stumbled on both of them. Such great finds!

Mom said it wrong. This is a MOOhawk!

Moo might have a lot of spiky hairs... but I have a FEATHER!

Let me turn to the other side so you can see all the colors. Isn't this fancy?!

This is my pimp pose. Don't I look pimpin'. Mom calls me Big Pimpin'.

Don't we make a cute pair?

OH HAI! My hat is still cuter.


  1. That Pimp hat is PERFECT! And I adore the Moohawk. Made me smile.

  2. Loooove them both!

  3. Pimp looks so very pimpy, and Moo and his 'hawk look so colourful!!!

  4. Those hats are adorablz! They each fit the boys' personalities perfectly!

  5. That pimp hat ROCKS!!! And the moo-hawk made me giggle. Love 'em! 

  6. Love, love, love those hats!!!  The boys look extra cute today! They are such patient kitties! teehee

  7. LOL!! Moo does NOT fit the description of a punk rocker! Lol! Look at that sweet innocent face! Now, Pimp....uh... he wears his pimpin' hat very well. He's a hunk-o-burnin' he is!!

    X's & O's

  8. Oh gee! These photos are hysterical! You're going to give me a laughing fit!

  9. The hair roach was originally called a "Mohican" after my ancestors (-:  I don't know why now it's a "Mohawk."

  10. I'm dying. Pimp's hat is just so pimping! And Moo is cute as ever. Gosh, I love etsy. 

  11. soooo cute   I can tell Moo is mad cuz he cannot whip off that hat like he did before. they are soooooo handsome!!!!

  12. Pimp's hat is soooo pimp ;) and love Moo's MOOhawk lol. Just awesome :D

  13. OMG... Pimp totally looks like a pimp in that purple feathery hat!  I'm surprised he didn't try to eat the feather off!  :)

  14. Moo lookz crazy good in his Moo hat!  but PIMP is a fashun guru!! Bwahahaha!!  I wood neber wear hatz, but if I did,  would like to look good like youz guyz!!!  :) Pawsome!!

  15. MOL! Pimp is stylin' & profilin'! Outrageously handsome! Moo's hat is well.. silly...just like him! LOL 

  16. I love Pimp - it looks like he's going on a hunt in theBavarian alps.I wonder what he's hunting ? LOL. He's looking sooomature !

  17. Pimp's hat fits!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. omg Dorian. this is why i love you so!
    The last one of Moo is priceless and the 4th pic - the one of PIMP looks VERY pimp! LOL the collar/tag just adds to it all! LOL

  19. OMG !!!  Love the hats!! Pimp's hat is purrfect for him. Love th elast pic of Moo !!


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