Mar 28, 2012

Baby Squirrel Nibbling on Apple Earphones

When it comes to headphones, apparently Apple ones are quite the delicacy. How do we know? Because this baby squirrel says so.

I can vouch for the sound quality (pretty decent) and the function (yay for being able to talk on your phone with them) myself, but I have never tried to test them out for taste before. Maybe next time I'm a little noshy and looking for a quick snack...

BONUS CUTE: Petting a baby squirrel! (Trust me, you must watch this one.)

Thanks to Cute's friend Lauren of Daily Dog Scoop for sharing this adorable baby squirrel eating Apple earphones video!

Do you have something Cute you'd like to share? Email me at dorian(at)yourdailycute(dot)com and maybe it'll make it on the Cute!


  1. Yep - that's definitely a boy squirrel

  2. I loved it when he took a great big breath in the middle of the video; that's hard work, all that chewing. Super cute!

  3. 'Oooo-KAY! No more earwax left on those, then!' *scampers away*

  4. he is sooooo cute. someone get that baby a real snack!!

  5. Wonder if there is some aluminum in that thing. The squirrels ate all the ties that held my chain link fence up. Actually don't know if it was aluminum or just some kind of metal but they chewed through every one. Have a great day.

  6. Give him a nut! He's hungry! I hope he's not ingesting the plastic. I have those earphones and they hurt the ear. Too big maybe. Bad Apple!

    He's a cutie!

  7. I wonder if he thought it was a nut of some kind

  8. Tee-hee-hee. He gave it his all, but no yummy.
    He's pretty cute!

  9. Why give the poor thing something nourishing to eat.

  10. I died from the overabundance of cuteness T_T

    ~ Kieli ~


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