Mar 30, 2012

Happy Dog Welcomes Soldier Home!

Chuck is just about the happiest dog you'll ever see. His daddy just came home from being deployed for eight months, and this video is the moment they're reunited.

Chuck is so excited that he can't even be still enough for his daddy to hug him. Now that's what I call a happy dance!

NOTE FROM CUTE: If you recall the story of the feral cats on the Loews Hotels property in Orlando, there is a sad update. Loews decided yesterday to trap all the cats and send them to animal services -- and we all know what happens to feral cats there. I created a page on Facebook called "Save Loews Cats" where we're sharing all the latest info. Please like it to show support. I'm hoping if we get tons of likes, the media and news will pick up on it! Thank you! Here's the link:

P.S. I hope that doesn't ruin the super happy of the doggie video. Go back and watch it again if you feel bummed. Smiling is important! :)


  1. Now that is a wiggle-butt xD And I am liking that page and I will tweet this post so we can get more people aware of what's going on!

    ~ Kieli ~

  2. Unconditional love at it's finest! Here's hoping that Orange County Animal Services will work with the cat groups to help these feral kitties. They do not deserve to be killed because of a selfish company such as Loews.

  3. Hit them HARD!!! Everyone call the manager and request
    this be STOPPED!!!! Mention this will go viral and it will
    hurt there business!Lets get Animal Lovers out there
    with Signs & Protest then call Fox News to cover the story.
    WILL HELP?????

  4. Love the dog seeing his daddy for the first time in months! 

    About Lowes.....I will not shop there! That's all there is to that!

  5. Save Loewscats on fb is a great ventile to let be heard. Unfortunately to log-in at the Orlando Sentinel is a big problem.

    There is only one way to bring this devastating issue to be resolved in a humane matter: CF news 13 has to reveal that story. When they bring it all the other local stations will follow - (even HSN , as this is a CRIMINAL story as well !!!) 


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