Aug 14, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: A Happy Pimp Video!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Since last week Moo took over, this week it's Pimp's turn to hog all the blog.

He wanted to show you how much he loves his time on the bathroom sink. It's his go-to place for lovin'. He loves on the faucet, the mouthwash bottle (I call it his girlfriend) and he knows I'll come over and give him all kinds of good petting.

One of my favorite things he does ever is when he kind of tilts his head up and back when I scratch the top of it. I don't know if you can hear, but that makes the purrs come out of him. He turns into a purr speaker!

He's such a happy boy.

P.S. Venus and Dahlia made it to Charlotte! They are about halfway to their new home in Cleveland right now. They are staying the week in Charlotte and then picking their journey back up again next Sunday!

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  1. Pimp is just like my Hobbes, such a happy boy! :-)

  2. Kitties just love to be pet and Pimp is king of the purrs

  3. Such a happy boy! My jacob is on my lap sleeping and had to look up and see Pimp :)

  4. Two of mine love to lay in the sink...they act offended if I need to use it ! So happy to hear the travelers are doing well on their journey !

  5. He is so beautiful!!

  6. I love Pimp's nose! **boop!**

  7. Such a happy boy !! And a pretty boy !! My Eli & I have bathroom time too.

  8. There is something so endearing about the shape of Pimp's face!

  9. I'm with Daisy--Pimp has such a unique face! He is such a sweetie.

    What is it about the bathroom? My Grace likes to be pet in there too.

  10. Happy Pimp blog-hogging it today, showing us all how he can turn into a hi-fi purr speaker!!! He is super-cute, too -- but what is it about bathrooms that really attract cats? My Little Miss Moxie just loves the bathroom sink!!!


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