Sep 2, 2012

Cat Loves Paper

Sassy is to paper like Maru is to boxes. You put a sheet down, and she immediately goes for it and makes herself right at home. And then if you put down another sheet, she has to go check that one out, too.

Do your kitties do this, too? Pimp once had an envelope on the floor that (I am not joking) we kept there for him for years because he loved to lie on it. Years!

Hope all of you are having a good Labor Day weekend! An extra day to hang out with our kitties and doggies!

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  1. Opposable thumbs would help with folding but, regardless, that cat appears to appreciate her paper.

  2. All this time I think Sassy has just been waiting for some crayons so she can color...

  3. Texas A Cat in New YorkSeptember 2, 2012 at 8:37 AM

    Oh yeah, I love anything paper too!

  4. aww so sweet, yes most all cats that I have had, if you put a piece of paper down on the floor , they will sit on it. must feel smoother than carpeting on their little bums! I have never seen a cat paw at the paper though like this kitty does!!

  5. My cats love paper and boxes but both prefer bags, backpacks and purses.

  6. The artistry involved in each step to study each piece of paper is so sweet!!!

  7. Adorable Sassy knows, as an "inside" baby, it's as close to a tree as she will ever get...tee-hee

  8. My Sabrina loves newspapers. Will immediately crawl under a section of paper and peak out at you!!!

  9. ah...the zen ability to tame the paper....kind like yoga moves! :)

  10. Thumbs??? Oh, no - kitty origami! Purragami!

    I have a cat who loves paper. When she was a baby, she'd get up on my desk and take pieces of paper and carry them around. She liked the post-its I had up on the edge of my monitor. (We had to have a little talk about that.) She would retrieve little wadded up balls of paper. She's older now, but still, she'll go to the toy box and fish around, finally selecting a paper wad. She will also occasionally steal a tissue out of the box and shred it, just for fun.
    Oh, yeah - paper bags are good! Boxes are good!
    But my kitteh is no Maru. NOT a professional boxer.

  11. Also - one more note:
    I think this kitteh is enjoying the feel of it on her paws and the smell of it. She is purring, loving it.
    have you noticed that, if there is a space on the floor that is
    different from its surroundings - like a square of sunlight, a square of
    paper, anything they can climb into- they will! I swear, if you just
    take a thick marker and make a rectangle on the floor, they'd get in it.

  12. THat paper wouldn't last 10 seconds in my house. My kitties love to SHRED paper.

  13. This is what my husband &I call "postage stamp syndrome" years ago we saw a cartoon in a magazine showing a cat sitting very contentedly purring on the floor, two women standing nearby one says to the other" he's sitting on a postage stamp".We have laughed about that for years cause it's absolutely true!! We have ten kitties and they all do it!

  14. Eli loves paper ! Especially the newspaper, while I'm reading it !!

  15. Oh, we get it. Grace likes the crinkle of a plastic bag. We've had plastic bags on the floor for months too.

  16. Kitty loves paper and plastic grocery bags. A house full of toys, cushy cat beds and tons of furniture, but she is happiest when I throw a plastic grocery bag on the floor.


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