Feb 27, 2013

Kitten Gets His First Job!

File this video under "Who in the World Thinks of These Things?!"

It's kind of like a soap opera, I guess. It starts with a cat getting a massage, just talking about what's new. Turns out his little kitten is just trying to get his first job... and then it switches to the scene of the kitten and his potential bosses. They want copies and coffee, and kitty is quick to oblige (and you wouldn't believe who the bosses are -- it's the Zen Cats, of course!).

Now, does he get the job in the end or not? Watch and see!

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  1. OMG that fluffy black kitten is ADORABLE

  2. but no pay is no good - he's too cute for no pay!

  3. Wow! The english version is so different from the french version. I think I prefer the french one.

  4. Agreed - French cannot be translated into English the same way. Very sweet baby blue eyes.

  5. Now I want a kitty massage! Can't get enough of that black kitten; his eyes were gorgeous!


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