May 4, 2013

Back It Up, Kitties... Back It Up!

It seemed like a good idea at first, all of these kitties walking all the way across the top of the curtain rod... But what about when it's time to go back?

Now what?

Back it up, kitties. Back it up!

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  1. that is when your claws come in handy, scale down the curtain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too funny Happy Weekend D, Pimp and Moo, and Cuteheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. He he - so cute. M says she's happy it isn't her curtains tho.,

  3. Yikes! Now, how do we get down? Oy Vey!

  4. Don't think it's a shower curtain! I'd have a heart attack about my drapes!

  5. Only cat lovers would allow their drapes to be mangled like that. Thank you for being true cat lovers--your kitties are precious!

  6. That is so cute. Yes, a true cat lover doesn't worry about the drapes. Loved seeing it. Happy weekend Dorian, Pimp and Moo and all the Cuteheads.

  7. I think they should maybe get beepers on their collars for next time!

  8. I loved that, too! Just the kitties having fun... we can fix the curtains later!

  9. I give them a 50/50 chance. ;)

  10. That's exactly how it worked! Hehe.

  11. so, cute! Why do they not turn around? I thought it was funny how the owners were laughing, not upset about the curtains. I would have been laughing, too. I see how they got up there, by way of the cat tower. really cute.

  12. This was LAUGH OUT LOUD for a Monday! Loved it and LOVE those precious kitties!


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