May 5, 2013

STOP EVERYTHING! Sloth and Cat Are Best Friends

Fair warning: There is a sloth in this video and he is loving on a cat. Your head might explode from the cute.

There, now that we have the disclaimer out of the way, let's get down to business: Prince the sloth loves Daisy, his best kitty friend. Prince loves to give Daisy chin skrithces and ear scratches and hug her and love her. Daisy isn't exactly sure how she feels about it, but it feels pretty good, so it seems like she's going with it.

Also, there is a cute sloth AND a cute cat together in this video. Just had to say that again. It's almost too much to comprehend, even for me.

BONUS CUTE: A bucket of baby sloths. You're welcome.

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  1. watch out for those clawz kitteh!!! too funny

  2. Wish i had a sloth to scratch my head,lol..What a good a good kitty for being so accommodating!

  3. My goodness.....hilarious. The kitty is being so good about all that affection!!!

  4. Lots of lovin' from Prince! However, those claws are a bit scary, even to me but it would be a wonderful relaxant for anyone. Daisy doesn't look extremely upset and no doubt used to this procedure!

  5. What a wonderful thought! I want one for that now!

  6. Really is! I thinks she secretly loves the skritches... ;)

  7. All the better for scratchin'!

  8. It seems like they do this all the time. Like it's their little ritual. Adorable!

  9. The kitty looks like she's had enough about midway into it. lol Those claws are a bit scary!

  10. Perfect song to express the sloth's feelings for this sweet cat!

  11. Besides, I don't think I've ever seen so much movement from a sloth! Ah, amore!!! <3

  12. That seems like a nice slothie. But I am a little skerred of those long fingernails.

  13. That is unbelievable!! Got to admit tho, I was holding my breath, hoping kitty wouldn't get an ear drum or eye poked out, but knew Dorian wouldn't send her cuteheads anything where a critter is harmed! Obviously kitty is used to this molestation. ;-)


  14. This is amazing, this sloth could rip the cat to shreds if so inclined and the cat has to be loving the gentle skritches it's receiving.

  15. I'm not a huge sloth fan, but I LOVE this! Such a patient cat! LOL I'm also surprised how gently the sloth uses those daggers!

  16. Yes! Trying to recall singer's name--anyone know?

  17. Maybe, but she could've left any time--& didn't....


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