Aug 5, 2013

Cat Steals Dog's Bed

Spot the cat knows how to spot a good bed when he sees one... and it just so happens that the good bed belongs to the dog.

No matter. That dog will just have to deal with it!

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  1. Andrea & the Celestial KittiesAugust 5, 2013 at 4:17 AM

    Hee hee hee! The kitty is too cute to move! Right doggie? I knew he'd agree!

  2. Everyone knows:: CATS RULE!!!

  3. Get another bed so they both have one.

  4. i`ve seen this in my house. as long as it was "our kitties", it was ok. and i`ve seen what the kitties did after after the dog had died. some pawed her bed looking for her, but momma missy had crossed the river

  5. This is the norm at our house. Thank goodness Goldens are so sweet. Chase barely gets his bed as all three cats prefer to sleep on "his" bed.

  6. Awwwww... poor doggy's afraid take his bed back!!!

  7. Hahahaha! And I like how he is just rubbing it in the dog's nose. Poor dog!

  8. How Cute! I love kitties with personality!


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