Aug 12, 2013

Naughty Little Kitten Annoys Sleepy Cat

Poor sleepy older cat is just trying to relax on the couch, when all of the sudden he's being pummeled on the head with a paw attack. He tries to ignore it, but it's no use. And so he goes on the counter attack, and all of the sudden the little kitten is probably second guessing his devious plan.

And then, of course, he doesn't learn his lesson and is back at it.

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  1. the little one wants it`s ear shredded

  2. So cute. And finally, the oldster leaves his comfy spot to get away from the little one!!! Happy Monday everyone!!!

  3. I think it was all about confiscating the sleeping spot! (And I'd want to steal it, too. Looks very comfy!) ;-)

  4. Kerry Palmer VistisenAugust 12, 2013 at 11:24 AM

    Cute! Funny when the big cat is just holding the kitten down while he screams.

  5. Andrea & the Celestial KittiesAugust 12, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    MOL! I love the 'I'll just hold you down where you can't do any harm' hug move! And did you see those adorable little black jellybean toes on the white paws of that kitten?? Oh my gosh, just wanna nibble them!

  6. He's a tough guy, isn't he? 'Wants the alpha position in that home! The elder (big boy) kitty is so very patient, and the kitten doesn't realize how lucky he really is! Both are darling!
    ps....I think I figured out the post problem! :-)

  7. Little kittens appear adorable, even when being naughty (most of the time).

  8. So cute. Love it when the bigger one is holding down the kitten. And the bigger one looks cross-eyed!!

  9. that little bugger is just too cute. i love the big cat. i want one. say hi too your critters for me and you have a blessed day.

  10. xoxoxoxo ; ) xoxoxo !!! LluM

  11. the big cat says why you...I 'll show you who's boss you little pip squeak!!

  12. oh, that's a naughty baby kitty! I like how he cries when he's in a stranglehold. Criminy.

  13. just like an annoying little brother

  14. Lol the older one is going "I told the humans not to get a kitten but noooooo" poor guy. Show the baby who is boss. Maybe he'll have to deal with a rowdy kitten one day as payback for his bratty ways. Haha so cute

  15. The little one is going to get trained, one way or the other!

  16. Soooooo cute!! They will have loads of fun together!

  17. That is definitely a squeeeable moment for sure. The curiosity of a kitte is boundless. Aren't we so lucky to have them to amuse and love us. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.

  18. My new black kitten looks just like yours except his white is nearly nonexistent. Two white toe tips on each foot...a white doily at the neck and a round white soft patch near his lower underbelly. Same size as yours...but he's the big one because we also have an 8 week old white kitty. So black kitty and white kitty (colors so similar to both of yours) are very very naughty together....and LOVE to fight, bite, and wrestle around. They also love to climb into the refrigerator when I need to get something. They love to ride in the “train" which is simply an empty tissue box with no top. I of course look like a fool singing choo choo songs with a horrible voice while pushing them around. We make stops at different “stations" to pick up passengers (stuffed animals). It's completely ridiculous, but these two characters definitely make the house fun. We lost both our loves this past year...our 15 yr old dog and our 13 yr. old two very naughty but super loveable kittens have brightened our whole world again. I love your video...its so sweet. Animals give can give a joy like no other :-)

  19. I just said to my fiance the other day, that God knew what he was doing when he made kittens. I think it was his private little joke on us :-)
    He purposely made them so cute that when we want to get angry with them, all we can do is pick them up and kiss and squeeze em.'
    They're impossible to get mad at


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