Jan 7, 2014

Two Cats Tuesday: How We All Watch TV Cuddled Up!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Just a quick one today -- I wanted to show you how we watch TV every night!

Pimp has his spot. He always likes to curl up at one end of the couch. Both ends are his, it's just really whichever he feels like that night.

Moo like to be THISCLOSE to me all the time (he's my velcro kitty), so he is always on my lap. Once I sit down, I'm pretty much stuck.

And this is what we do...

Snuggliest couch ever!
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  1. Glad the guys enjoy watching tv with you. So cute!!

  2. You live in Fla right? Just noticed the tank top, it's 10 below here! That is the snuggliest couch!

  3. Leona you should see my dog Akasha watching Dogtv! ! Bol!

  4. Yup! It was chilly last night, but it was 82 yesterday! :)

  5. The publicist says that there are nightly fights as to which cat sits in her lap. The problem is they OCCUR in her lap.

  6. That's not "fluffy" Laura... that's just fat! ;)

  7. I can barely get comfortable on the couch before Andre is waiting to lay on my lap especially if I'm putting a blanket over me or rather us. As cold as its been he is a great heater.

  8. I have 2 velcro cats! They aren't satisfied to lay next to me, they have to lay ON me! Lol

  9. Awesome! I don't have any Velcro kitties. They prefer to sit next to me or in the same room. Every once in a while I'll get one on my lap. Then I don't move so much as a muscle to enjoy all the time until they want to get up.

  10. My Samantha always wants to lay on me when I'm doing something like eating, reading, iPad, etc...she's never around when I'm just watching TV. She's a cheeky one. Love her to bits.

  11. I haven't learned how nice laps are, but I watch TV with M and D every night...I sit near M on the couch

  12. I have two velcro kittens but one only in cold nights like last Monday. Otherwise the male one lies on my feet. But both watch TV with me - like and hate some shows, like me...

  13. I have two velcro kitties but only when it's freezing cold like monday night. My big bed became kind of crowded but we all watched TV anyway. My FL babies don't seem to have a winter coat ready to wear... so they snuggle with me to get and remain warm.

  14. It was great to see them growing! They grow up fast as big as their Mama. Good luck Birdies!!


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