Mar 6, 2014

Three Cats Thursday: Moo's Box Overflow, Phantom's Litterhead & Pimp's Snout Close-Up!

Happy Three Cats Thursday, Cuteheads! (Writing that is going to take some getting used to!) Today we have a whole buffet of shenanigans.

First stop, is Moo's newest box. I bought a box that happened to come with a new pair of running shoes in it. Once we got those things out of there, the box was able to be put to use for the reason I clearly got it... for Moo to squish in.

And this was no small effort. As you can see, I may have miscalculated Moo's "shoe size" -- there is just a little bit of overflow...

What? It's comfy to me!
Mom! Maybe I'm a "wide" shoe?
And then we have Phantom. Bless his little heart. He's so special.

When he goes in the litter box, he really makes a big deal out of making sure everything is thoroughly covered. It's an exaggeration, really. I'll stand above him and just say over and over again: "Phantom, that's enough. That's enough, Phantom. You did good, Phantom..." but he insists on continuing to play in the box.

And every single time, he walks out looking like this:

Litterhead. And paws. And tail.
Pimp, in his dear old age, has taken to completely hunting Phantom! I have no idea what started this, but Pimpy literally goes after him with such a determined face and just chases him around with serial-killer determination in his eyes. He's become a crazy old man!

But most of the time, this is what he looks like... My sweet bag of bones. <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">

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  1. Love the muffin top on the box! Phantom is hilarious! Pimp has a mission to keep young & Phantom is helping. Love these babies! <3

  2. Pimp has become the old guy that yells at kids to get off his lawn!

  3. Sherpa is always getting into boxes too small for his girth. Maybe Shadow makes Pimp feel young again

  4. Gah! One of my guys is like phantom - I stand there and say
    All done. All done. ALL DO E NOW. Good kitty.

  5. Hah! That is the perfect comparison! GET OFF MY LAWN, PHANTOM!

  6. Kerry Palmer VistisenMarch 6, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    I have more than one who will cover and cover and cover and scratch the walls and everything else around the litterbox as I sit there waiting for them to finish so that I can scoop. I say over and over, "okay, that's good. I'll get it."

  7. Andrea & the Celestial KittiesMarch 6, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    Yay for three cat thursday! Star is an over coverer.. and I swear if there werent sides on the box she'd drag every bit of every paper, dust mote, and scrap of whatever into the box.. Until we got really tall sided boxes she removed wallpaper to help cover. Now that's determination!

  8. they are all so cute! who knew Phantom had OCD? purrs and hugs

  9. great pictures! love the second one of Moo and the one of Pimp is priceless!

  10. Wonderful kitties!!! Moo is adorable sitting in his box, even though he "overflows". And Phantom has the habit that my Sabrina has, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning the box. Bless Pimp......he's making sure Phantom knows he (Pimp) is the Boss!!! Phantom is such a lucky kitty to be in such a wonderful family. Love u all Have a great weekend. <3

  11. Aww,I love Pimp's face,my Munchie's face is exactly the same. LoL,at Moo! You know what he is saying..If I fits,I sits! and my Stinking is like Phantom,she has to make sure everything is covered,every little bit.and when she jumps out of the box her black fur is covered in grey too!

  12. Happy to see a Three Cats ANY DAY! I was afraid something had happened when I didn't get a Two (or Three) Cats Tuesday. Looking good there, Dorian! Phantom must be related to my Jack.

  13. I have one (Maggie) who covers normally, one who doesn't know what 'cover' means & who also occasionally overhangs (Kate), and one who is OCD about what everybody does (Avery.) Uninterrupted, he heaves more litter out of the box than he leaves in.

  14. dorian, you are too funny. love the moo box you bought especially for him:) I know he appreciates it! phantom is sweetheart & pimp has a new purpose in life: hunting down phantom! lmao

  15. Me too, I was somehow scared !

  16. Did you forget Phantom ? He's just the cutest cutie in the world and I am so happy he found that wonderful purrfect home with Dorian, Pimp and Moo.

  17. My kitty Cupcake does this exact same thing!

  18. Love all your kitties! My Thermos is always going after my Oreo with that same serial killer determination. Have to keep them apart.

  19. Spookygirl InsandiegoMarch 7, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    I used to tell my cat Mackie used to "dig a hole to China" in the litterbox because he would spend so much time covering his work. LOL

  20. I'll put a little note on Tuesdays for a little while reminding people to come back on Thursday. :) So in case anyone didn't get the memo before, they can know it's Three Cats Thursday now! Good idea! :)

  21. I love a cat in a box! Moo did a great job fitting in it. He looks all comfy in there. I have cats that go crazy in the litter box too. But they don't come out full of litter like Phantom! Crazy Phantom! I'm happy Pimp is running around even as a serial killer!! He's in good shape for a handsome old guy. Love you all! ❤


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