May 22, 2009

Whack-a-Kitty Game

The person who came up with the cute, cute, cute game should be given some kind of award. To think of creating a whack-a-kitty game -- box and mallet and all! -- is absolutely ingenious and, well, it's one of those things you wish you'd though of yourself.

And don't worry, absolutely no adorable kitties were harmed in this whack-a-kitty game!

More kittens in boxes, please.


  1. Absolutely in love with those sily itty bitty kitties!

  2. HA! Great clip to start the day!

  3. Hello there. I totally loved your new game, but I think the itty bitty kitties won. Good For Them!! Go Kitties!!

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You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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