Jun 17, 2009

Cute Dog Expressions (15 cute pictures!)

Got this in an email today and had to share! These doggies are making some of the cutest faces I've ever seen! (Click on any of the pictures to biggify them.)

Do you have a cute doggie picture? Email it to me at dorian at yourdailycute dot com and you could be on the Cute!

Attention doggies and doggie-lovers! Cute has a giveaway contest just for YOU! Click here to see what we're giving away!


  1. OMG - you should so run a contest with some of these pictures - have people submit captions and then let readers vote on the best ones. It would be awesome! Good for building your blog too!

  2. the dog with the hot dog is probably thinking 'dont eat it dont eat it dont eat it....aww what the heck.''CHOMP' "mmmmmmmmmmm" "yummy"

  3. The first one is saying well you did say to say "cheese"...

  4. the 12th one: "Yeah, I'm a BAMF"


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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