Aug 20, 2009

Make Your Own Squirrel Crasher Picture!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Cute video for a really fun thing you can do -- make your own Squirrel Crasher picture!

Remember the original squirrel crasher vacation photo? It's taken over the interwebs... This couple was taking an timed picture when this squirrel jumped in and crashed their picture party. Best. Vacation. Photo. Ever!

Well, today I came across a site that lets you make your own squirrel crasher picture! Yay! Check out the one I did of my cat Pimp:

Hey, there's a squirrel in my picture...

It's just too much fun! So here's your assignment: Make your own squirrel crasher photo -- and if you do, put a link to it in the comment section below so we can all laugh and giggle at each others!

Click here to make your own squirrel crasher photo! (And don't forget to leave a link!)


  1. How fun! I love Pimp's pic with the squirrel.

  2. Oh how adorable! I might just use this squirrel he he!

  3. How funny! Isn't it great how with technology that squirrel pops up everywhere!

  4. hahahhahaha.. this is so cute.. pimp up your picture with a squirrel... i'm gonna try it soon :) tks!

  5. i've seen the first picture in a magizeane yeah... so it's pretty cool! :)


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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