Oct 11, 2009

Kitty Cruising 'Round the Couch

My kitties are deprived and I never even knew it. My couch is up against the wall, so this kind of spinning shenanigans can't go on...

I love this video of Saylor of The Creek Cats -- she's having a blast!

How about a spinning doggie next, please?

You Spin Me Round from Sebastian Reilly on Vimeo.


  1. My couch is against the wall also to avoid this but 2 chairs are sitting out. I have found when I cover them w/ a sheet he will not do that to the chairs. But, you have to be sure all parts of the sheet are tucked or a game will begin w/ kitty crawling under sheets which defeats the purpose of the sheets in the first place.

  2. That is really neat. Saylor is so cute. I have one called Black that looks just like Saylor.

  3. Saylor is such an adorable kitteh!

  4. Thank you for featuring our silly sisfur, Saylor, on your wonderful site!!!

  5. Hee! Pru loves to be spun around in my office chair. I can spin and spin and she never gets dizzy.

  6. The cat is funny, the music was truly annoying

  7. I've seen so many cats do this (including my own) - it's such a silly behavior, I wonder what makes them do it.

  8. LOL!!!!!! Nice way to rip up the sofa! Very inventive!

  9. You know, it's not just da couch pozishun. It's also da hard floor! We don't got floors like that. Our floor is too furry. MOOOOOOM!

  10. Victor, you're so right! The floor is also a huge part -- I didn't think of that!

  11. We love this video! Saylor is such a talented girl.


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