Oct 17, 2009

Cowboys Herding Cats

Happy Caturday, Cuteheads! Have you ever seen so many kitties in one place? I would like to herd them all into my living room! I love this commercial!

Another cute commercial, please.

*Thanks to Cute's friend, Stephanie Jampole, for sending this in!


  1. This totally cracks me up every time! I haven't a clue what it's advertising though... too busy ROFLing at the kitty stampede... =^..^=

  2. Makes me think of Bubbles and his free range kitties from The Trailer Park Boys.

  3. That is really awesome. So many cats and love the fact that some of the cowboys are carrying cats.

  4. Oh! So many cute animals in one spot! I.Am.In.Heaven!!! I came over here from Lin's blog....your blog is such a treat! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit! :)

  5. We love that commercial. Our mom is living the dream too...she's an amateur cat herder, with a tiny herd of four of us.

  6. BeadedTail, me too!

    A.Marie, welcome to the Cute! Glad you came on over. I love Lin's blog!

    Grrreta, I think 4 is a pretty good size herd...

  7. BOL! Cowboy's face ripped to shreds, BOL... Ummm, very cute kommershul. Now wot is it they was advertisementing?

  8. There can never be too many kittens....heh heh

  9. This is the BEST EVER! MOL. Thanks Daily Cute!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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