Mar 17, 2010

Happy St. Paddy's from Pimp, Moo & the Cute!

I bet you didn't expect to see Pimp and Moo two days in a row, did you? Well, surprise, surprise! Not only did we have Two Cats Tuesday yesterday, but today we've been blessed with slooooooow internet connection for some reason... so I'm posting some St. Paddy's pics of Pimp and Moo (instead of waiting for YouTube videos to load).


This is Pimp's festive picture from many years ago. He wears his hat just a little to the side, because he's pimp, y'all.

Pimpin' my 'Paddy Day hat! Check out Ozzy in the background on TV... that's how old this pic is!

And here are some pictures of Pimp and Moo from last year -- it was Moo's first St. Patrick's Day with us, so I celebrated by getting the boys matching "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" T-shirts.

Irish butts are smiling...

Extra smooches for Pimp every day! We don't need a holiday for that! :)

Awww... Is Moo giving him a kiss?

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Hope you remembered to wear your green. And if not... *pinch!*


  1. But of course! His shirt demanded a smootch! Happy St. Paddy's all!

  2. 2 days of Pimp and Moo ~ most enjoyable! Cute pictures ~ I will be wearing green today ~ no pinches for me! :)

  3. Such cute pictures! Happy St Patrick's Day to you too!

  4. Happy St. Patty's Day, Pimp and Moo!

  5. Two very handsome kitties all dressed for St. Patty's Day.

  6. I'm glad my human doesn't have one of those "Kiss me, I'm Irish" t-shirts for me because I hate being kissed! Plus I'm not Irish.

  7. Pimp does not look at all happy about Moo giving him a smooch. But the boys look fantastic all dressed up. Happy St Patrick's Day to you boys and Mom too.

  8. Pimp & Moo are so cute and Irish!

  9. MOL hehehe you two looks pawsome in your St. Patty's Day shirts! And your hat is da best Pimp!

    Happy St. Patty's Day!

  10. Pimp often looks mildly annoyed but grudgingly tolerant - I like this:)


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