Mar 19, 2010

A Nice Stroll with a Good Friend

We could learn a lot from turtles. Slow down and don't hurry through life (what's the rush?), take the time to wait for friends (things are better with them) and grow a little bit of a thick shell (I'm learning this one right now).

This video is so sweet. Check out how he waits for his buddy to catch up before walking on... Aw.


  1. Thickskined, considerate friends... who could ask for more?

  2. I think they are walking pretty fast considering that they are turtles. They are pretty turtles too. Have a great week end.

  3. AWWWW! They remind me of two sweet old men, taking the sun in the park.

  4. I wish I had a friend!

  5. Now dat's what I call a good buddy! They are purdy turtles.

  6. Awwww, turtle pallies! But, gees, they were bookin'!! Who said turtles are slow??

  7. Adorable to say the least.  Very interesting species - especially loved Lulu and Leonard....they are so cute plus the other informative vids.


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