May 30, 2010

The Parsley Mustache

Plopp the bunny loves parsley... and Cute loves how he eats it!

Actually, I think I just love how all bunnies eat parsley -- like Black & White chomping from the same bowl and this disapproving bunny nomming in his box.


  1. I thinks that rabbit is right cute with the mustache!

  2. Rabbits always make vegetables look so tasty don't they? :)

  3. That parsley sure looks good according to that rabbit. He wanted to know where the rest of it is.
    Great video. Loved watching him chomp that down.
    Have a great day.

  4. That sure was a cute little rabbit! I kept thinking that parsley usually isn't all that tasty.

  5. I'm not so fond of parsley, but he makes it look tasty. I do admire how he didn't miss even one leaf of it. He definitely gets the "Clean Plate Club" award.

    Have a great day.

  6. What an adorable bunny - parsley mustache and all. he he

  7. He was like a little parsley vacuum cleaner

  8. I am not sure my comment posted so I am sorry if this is a duplicate...

    He was like a little parsley vacuum cleaner!

  9. Woof! Woof! Bunny is just adorable to watch eat. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


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