May 30, 2011

Budgie Balancing on a Tennis Ball

First: Budgies are parakeets, but isn't the word "budgie" just so much cuter? I think so, too! Plus, it kind of has a ring with balance and ball.

Anyway, this little birdie has his own little circus act. He balances on his tennis ball and rolls around on it like a pro! And his happy little chirps make it even cuter.

I'd probably get a bird if I didn't think Moo would think he was a snack...


  1. he he - so funny.,

  2. What a cutie! I loved it! How smart he is when it rolled under the table he got it out!!!

  3. Well that bird loves that ball. What a smart bird he is. 

  4. Methinks little Budgie is trying to woo little tennis ball! ;-)

  5. I like the term "budgie" too! I wish I could teach Bert and Ernie some tricks.  I might start calling them "gerbies."

  6. OMC! Such a cute birdie! Momma luvs birdies but she is quite sure we would try to eat dem. MOL

  7. Hmmmm... maybe he could tip into my mouth....

  8. Awww! That is one very talented little guy. I'd sign him up for the circus!!

    I think Moo might be okay with a bird friend. We always had hamsters and the cats sort of knew that they were family members and not for eating.  Even when they escaped--the cats would sit by them, but never harmed them in any way. 


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