May 3, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: The More Beds the Better

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we're wondering how many cat beds everyone has. Pimp and Moo, even though they're only two kitties, have way more than two beds!

Is that normal or are they spoiled? I mean, I know they're spoiled, but we are really curious... Does everyone have a ton of cat beds all over their house?

One of my favorite beds is my cat mat. I can stretch way out on it!

I also like this tiny bed, though. I don't really fit, but that doesn't stop me from squeezing in!

Then I have this plaid one. It's nice and soft.

Moo likes this bed that's too big for him. Don't ask why I'm on the teeny bed and he's on the huge one.

But this is my most FAVORITE bed of all time! It's the king of cat beds... a papasan chair!

Seriously, you guys. The situation with that papasan chair is borderline ridiculous. I've had it for 10 years and they only reason I still have it is because Pimp loves it. It's huge and I can't even sit in it anymore because it's permanently cat-haired. (Have you seen them? They sell them at Pier 1 Imports. Check them out.)

Sometimes Pimp will seem to forget about it for a couple months, but sure as cat's poop, as soon as I get it in my head that I'm taking it to the dumpster, he somehow just knows and gets right back in it. I guess it's here forever!

So how many beds do you all have? Of course, I'm not even counting my bed and the couch, which are basically theirs, too!


  1. Yrsa don't like cat-beds, but she has a few spots of her own. I wouldn't think of removing or moving "her" places. My former cat liked his cat-bed and as he grew older and bigger he squeezed into it just like Pimp :)

  2. The purpose of Cats is to give you something to spoil!You get far more affection from a spoiled cat than you do from a spoiled child. ---- ENJOY!

  3. A quick count yields 10 cat beds for 2 cats - but I probably missed some...

  4. Cody has 3. His little donut from when we adopted him. He is too big for it but he still uses it! His silky soft "cat mat" and the bed that was my Angel Bobo's. Anything else that he chooses to snooze on also becomes a "bed" that can be anything from a laptop case to a desk, ANYTHING. Hence, we have an infinite number of "beds" for him!

  5. he he - M is laughing her head off right now. I'm an only kitty, and the whole house is my cat bed! i have a bed just for kitties, but do you think I ever use it? Well, why should I when there is the sofa, two ooman beds, perch by window, pillows, lots of stuffed chairs, chairs under dining room table..... hope I haven't forgotten one, but I think you get the picture!

  6. We have to agree with Mario. The whole house is our bed. Do Ham-micks count?? I have no idea how many beds are here. Most of them are hoooman made out of old bedspreads kinda of like your chair. We have a sofa like that out on our porch. So that is about 4 beds. We love all your beds Pimp and Moo. Cats have to have enough beds for heavens sake.

  7. I have 1 cat bed and one cube. Benny is a cat bed user. Lenny is not. Lenny always lays next to the cat bed! I found out that Lenny loves, I mean LOVES old towels, so I took some old towels and use them as Lenny's cat "bed" ;)

  8. I have a cat bed filled with toys (that the cats sleep on top of), 2 multilevel cat trees (ceiling height), 3 cat mats, and 4 baskets with towels in them...they use all of them...

  9. Well, she has several! A cute crocheted couch made by a former neighbor, a huge basket, two people beds, a couch and a chair! And, of course, any place there's a sun puddle!!!

  10. My three kitties, Romeo, Jenny & Tigger, and their loving doggie mom, Sophie, all have multiple beds & blankets. The kitties use all 12 beds at different time (reserving the ones in our bedroom for nighttime slumber) and appropriating the blankets and Sophie's beds as desired. Sophie often has had to move a kitty over to go to bed at night.

  11. I am thinking somecats are spoiled.....

  12. I think we have way too many to keep track of...but that looks normal to me!

  13. Wow you have a lot of cat beds! We don't have that many (well, per cat at least). Let's see, we have 7 cats, and 4 actual cat beds, plus some other cat beds that didn't start that way (there is a basket of what was at the time clean laundry - but Floyd always slept there, it got furry, mom abandoned the clothes, and it became a cat bed - a lot like the papasan chair sounds). We also nap in our carriers so if you count those there are 3 more (the rest are put away).So it sounds like you two have it great at your place!

  14. There's the bed, the couch, the two nests (one under the table and one on top of the dresser), on top of the kitty condo, and, of course, on top of mom!

  15. "Nests!" I love that! Sounds extra comfy.

  16. Yup, that laundry basket sounds just like my papasan. And now you're stuck with it! ;)

  17. 12 beds! That is way more than us. And we thought we were spoiled over here! I'm glad Sophie manages to get a spot...

    Cute picture, by the way! thanks for sharing!

  18. Ooooh... a crochet couch. Now THAT sounds spoiled!

  19. Hehe. Those toys in that picture up there live in Pimp's papasan. He sleeps with them like you do!

  20. Lenny is not fancy. I like that in a cat.

  21. Makes sense to me... You sleep where your please, Mario!

  22. Sure signs of spoiled kittehs...

  23. I love that he still uses his baby donut. Very cute!

  24. This comment should be framed! :) Perfectly said.

  25. My four love their cat beds and have appropriated the dog beds as well so, not counting the human furniture, they have eight actual beds and a cat tree with snoozing space. Gus, my confined spaces expert, says he feels his beds should be counted as well (boxes, knitting bags, laundry baskets, computer cases).

  26. Nope, you couldn't move them even if you wanted to. The kitties claim their spots and we just work around them! :)

  27. Let me see here, we have my heated cat pad which I keep on top of my wooden cat perch, a heated cat cup, Harley's Bee Bed, and our Hepper Pod. My Mommeh can't resist buying us beds!

  28. Amy and Alexander have four "official" cat beds at home, plus an array of wooly throws, blankets and other adopted cat beds. Then they have about seven on the boat, including two special snugglies for hiding and a double cat bed they love for cuddling, and the carpeted ladder they love to climb on to watch the world fly or sail by. And they have a cat tree in each place each with two perches, and of course the beds, sofas and chairs they let us share. Are these pusses spoilt? No, of course not! Until you understand we bought the larger boat so they could come along!

  29. 9 cat beds, which includes the cat tower beds. And if we count the dog beds.....11
    There are 3 cats and two dogs. But when the dogs aren't looking, kitties cuddle up in their beds!

  30. Mine have my bed, a kitty house, my couch and they PEE in their bed... so they now have NO beds

  31. Joyce My Calli has taken over the shower stool, the face bowl, my computer chair, my wing-back chair, my bed, the top of my desk and anyplace else she see's fit. She rarely gets into her cat bed!!

  32. The one with the most beds wins.

  33. Only one bed per cat? What counts as a cat bed, anyway? My little Moxie loves to sleep anyoldplace she can catch a catnap!

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