Jan 2, 2012

Kittens vs. Kiddie Slide

Who knew a simple plastic kiddie slide could be so much fun for a frisky litter of kittens? All you do is tie a toy to the top... and sit back and enjoy the excitement!

These kittens spent hours with this slide, and still never figured out the right way to use it! But then again, maybe we've been doing slides wrong all along -- this looks like way more fun!

BONUS CUTE: More kittens on a slide!


  1. extremely cute!!!!

  2. Delightful video with perect music for it :-)

  3. How grand to see the litter of Mau kittens doing this!!! Mau: not just what they say, but what they are!!! As for the slide, maybe that's the Mau way!!!

  4. What a bunch of silly-billies! That looks like tons of fun!

  5. They are sure having a good time!

  6. That sure looks like fun!! and the music is perfect for those wacky cats!!

  7. That is so cute, sure didn't want to give up


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