Jan 3, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: Pimp Purring in the Dark

If a tree falls in the woods, but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? And then, if a cat purrs in the dark, but no one can see it -- does it make a sound?

You bet your sweet patootie it does! Here is Pimp rumbling away in the middle of the night...


  1. Oh how sweet :-) Next time during the day :-)

  2. I fall asleep to the same sound from my two cat boys.  It's wonderful.  My little girl cat loves her soft bed on the floor next to my side of the bed, and before she gets into it each night, she "makes it up" by kneading and purring happily.  (My boy cats won't allow her in the big bed. Hiss!) :(

  3. Oh Wowserz!!  Pimp is a big luv masheen!  I doz dat wif my mum too!  She saz "Marco!" an I sayz "PurrPurrPurr!"  :)

  4. I Love the sound of a cat Purring.It's so CALMING AND RELAXING.:)

  5. My favorite part was seeing those two eyes peering out of the darkness!

  6. What a cuddly guy!! I can't believe how loud he is!

  7. Aren't we lucky to know the joys of loving these enchanting animals!! Having been a foster mummy I now have 6 gorgeous puss cats.  My boy and my littlest girl have the LOUDEST purrs; and isn't it wonderful to fall asleep to this sound every night!!       You can really hear your blood pressure lowering as they purrrrrrrrrrrrrr awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.  Love to Pimp & Moo - 2 wonderful, very, very clever boys.

  8. Awww...I LOVE Pimp's rumbly purr! What a blessing! God's own little music box, the Purr. The only thing missing is the wonderful vibration of having the little guy snuggling up next to you. FEELING a purr is just as =hearing= one! Thank you for sharing this sweet joy!


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