Apr 26, 2012

Kitten Fetches Towel

Why fetch mice or balls when you can fetch an entire towel and run back with it awkwardly dragging between your legs?

Mice and balls are so easy to carry back... kitties like Champloo here like to go for a challenge!

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  1. Too adorable! Love how cutely he runs with his towel and his bunny kicks. I wonder if he will love his towel all his life or if he'll grow out of it.

  2. This kitten is adorable! BUT, please don't put the food bowls next to the litter box! Would you want to eat next to your toilet? Think about it.

  3. Shades of the cat burglar dragging towels and clothing down the street.... lol

  4. This baby is insanely cute! 

  5. Way CUTE! I love this little fellow!  Kittens are tireless aren't they! Without a doubt, camera guy isn't ticklish in the least!

  6. Star design i was thinking the same way. Very cute kitten tho. Nut yep move the bowels. 

  7. So cute!!! LITTER BOX should not be next to food though. Not hygienic! Litter, etc...can spill in food bowls. No good for kitty!

  8.  Dusty the Klepto Kitty!  :)
    I was thinking the same thing! 

  9. Absolutely delightful!  If that were my kitten, I'd never get anything done because I'd play with him all day.  :)

  10. What a cute smart baby cat

  11. He is soooo cute ! I love his markings !!

  12. Baby just loves that blankie!

  13. Absoluteserenity123April 28, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    Very clever and energetic, think its a little Bengal - well then, you will have a wild time with this little kitty! Love it!


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