Oct 14, 2012

Ginger Kitten's Escape Attempt

A brave baby kitten tries to tackle the little wall that is holding him and his brothers in. It's a tough attempt for such a tiny thing, but he's not going to back down from a good challenge!

He gives it the first go, just to peek over. Then another shot at it, this time I thought for sure he was going to get over! And the a third try... He just doesn't give up!

Plus, it helps that he has him mom cheering him on at the top of the climb.

BONUS CUTE: Another tiny kitten's big escape attempt!

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  1. Aww that's so cute. I sure thought he was going to make it.

  2. get us out of here !!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Mom's response meows!!

  3. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

  4. Oh those cries & pleas! I just wanted to grab him & cuddle him. He was so determined!

  5. Surely that tiny tough guy made it out to freedom! He appeared to want to come to me, so I could to kiss his sweet little face!

  6. Anyone else reach towards the screen?

  7. Lol! He just wanted his mommy! Such a cute little baby!

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  9. What a sweet mom and babies - love little beigey babies - (spice). Won't be long before they make it over the 'baby gate'. The mom's encouragement and chatter is all so familiar to me from bygone days.

  10. What a precious sweetie. Thank you so much for finding a ride for Jamie. I'm tweeting like crazy trying to help out. You rock Dorian.

  11. Thanks, Mario! It's my pleasure. Anything to help kitties in need! :)

  12. I loved her little voice too! All so precious.

  13. Hi Ann! Thanks for stopping by. I'll check it out!

  14. I would have gone through the screen and hugged them all!

  15. "MOM!" "MOOOOMMMM!" "MOMMEH!" "MOM!"

    I don't blame that mom for escaping for awhile. Sheesh. And those darn kids always find you...no matter where you hide!

  16. I rooted for the last little black guy: Jump, you can do it! Jump! And he finally did. How wonderful to see how persistent they all tried to escape. Great video! Thanks.


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