Oct 23, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: What is Wrong With Pimp's Whiskers?

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! I noticed something crazy yesterday that I wanted to show you and ask you about. Pimp's whiskers have a little bit of a funny thing going on...

They are way shorter on one side than the other!

See the ones on my left, your right? They are stubby!
I swear they weren't always like that and there's no way he did something to them.

The only thing I can think is that maybe he always sleeps on one side and so maybe they get bent and broken?

What do you all think? He's lopsided!

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  1. I had a cat singe the whiskers off one side by rubbing her head against a space heater. The whiskers got inside the safety mesh and onto the element. It made her lopsided for a bit until they grew back in. Are Pimp's shorter whiskers still pointed at the end or are they blunt?

  2. He's adorable no matter what his whiskers look like! :-) And yes, cats shed their whiskers so perhaps several of his longer ones came out around the same time. >^..^<

  3. He's adorable no matter what his whiskers look like! :-) And yes, cats shed their whiskers so perhaps several of his longer ones came out around the same time. >^..^<

  4. Maybe they broke off? :-) anyway he is still very handsome!!!!

  5. I had two male cats and the older one chewed the whiskers of the younger one off. It started with just a few, then eventually the younger cat was completely whiskerless.

  6. No matter what caused it, I think it adds to the cuteness factor - if that is even possible. I think Pimp and his little heart shaped nose are the cutest thing around (except for my four girls, of course). His little chin is pretty precious too!

  7. Pimp is still adorable no matter what!!! <3

  8. Moo could have chewed them off!! LOL I had that happen to one of my kitties... one of the others chewed off all his whiskers - only on one side!!

  9. Oh Pimp! You still have fab whiskers, even when lopsided! ;)

  10. Nothing in this world is perfect, we just appreciate the good qualities & Pimp has plenty of those:)

  11. I'll have to look closer and see! No space heaters here... It's too hot in Florida. :)

  12. My boys have that trouble, it sometimes happens with their eyuebrows and sometimes with their face whiskers....it's a mixture of loss due to shedding and wrestlemania cat time..... it's a little adorable when one of them has only teeny whispy whiskers over one eye from a tumble though....

  13. dont worry, they shed whiskers too, so maybe he is just renovating them haha , anyway they will grow ;) and make Pimp a more handsome cat ;)

  14. I agree with the others who have suggested that Pimp's whiskery muzzle may be looking lopsided because he's shed his longest whiskers.

  15. Dorian, Ryan's right: if they're pointed, Pimp's shed the old ones & is regrowing new ones. If they're blunt, it's breakage, and something, or someone--Moo, maybe--may have had a bit to do with that. Some of my guys over the years have been whisker nibblers.

  16. Super interesting. I'm going to take a look!

  17. I've had whisker nibblers, too. In fact, several pairs/groups of foster kittens have bitten off their siblings' whiskers, right down to stubble, while they're learning to wrestle. They grow back. So, do Moo and Pimp wrestle? What my foster kittens were doing is basically biting each others faces, gnawing on them. Wrestlemania is right!! They learn to stop doing that when the victim squeals; the perpetrator hears that and reflexively backs off. So they stop after a while, but I've never heard of adult kitties doing that.

    My 6-month old cat suddenly appeared one day, it seemed, with a single white eyebrow hair (she's jet black all over). Of course, it must have grown, just like any other whisker or eyebrow, but she looks silly. I swear I'm going to get a Sharpie and color it black.

  18. I agree that maybe Pimp is growing new whiskers - they seem pointed so that could be it. He did perhaps break some off by lying on one side too much. Have you found any whiskers around? I have on occasion.

  19. Awww Pimp is such a handsome boy !!! They do shed whiskers. I find long white whiskers, from the 3 boys, all the time around the house. Venus, my all black kitty, had 3 white whiskers on the right side of her face but now has only 1. She looks so silly !!


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