Oct 26, 2012

Mama Cat Adopts Baby Hedgehogs

When four baby hedgehogs' mom was killed, an unlikely mom stepped up to the rescue!

Sonya the cat adopted the baby hedgehogs and took them in as her own, nursing them along with her own little one. So now she has five children -- one kitten and four hedgies!

(The images are from this 22 words post, and their original origin is unknown.)

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  1. Aww! That is the cutest thing I've seen for ages.

  2. I gotta agree, cutest thing in ages. What a sweet story!

  3. what a sweet Momma!!! Happy Friday cuteheads!!

  4. Awww, that melts this goat's heart

  5. My heart cannot decide whether to burst or break with adoration.

  6. Wow! This is a first,how adorable! But i wonder how does 'mom' clean them without getting stabbed in her mouth? No matter what a wonderful mom! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. That's one serious cockle warmer!!! <3 them all!

  8. Just too cute for words! I wonder if they are bristley when they are wee babies? I've never seen a hedgehog but they surely look cute. And they are nomming from their surrogate mom. Also the baby kitten is adorable - wonder if she only had one....maybe she was older like my first Siamese queen whose last litter was one beautiful blue pt. very mischievous boy who warranted the name of Mr. T. for 'trouble'. He fit right in with the other 4 'mischievous boys' I had. They were so bad that it was funny. 3 up the inside of the drapes and 2 up the outside - all at once...a reason I never had sheers then! LOL Naturally, they all went to wonderful homes and Mr. T. went with 2 more chocolate points (cousins) to the same home. He also liked double, double coffee and only McDonald's french fries so I was told. Hahaha

  9. Oh my gosh!! That is incredible!!


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