Mar 15, 2013

Baby Sea Lions Slip n' Slide on a Surfboard

A few baby sea lion pups discover a surfboard in the middle of the water (which just happens to have a camera mounted on it - lucky us!) and try to slide their way onto it to catch a little sun and warm up. Problem is, the darn thing is wet and slippery!

A couple of them seem to have gotten the hang of it right away, but Spotty there... Well, life can be tough sometimes. Try as he might, over and over again, he just can't stay on. As soon as he thinks he's up and stable -- whoops! -- of he slides again back into the water.

Will he ever make it up? You'll enjoy one of the cutest videos in a long time while you wait to see!

P.S. Don't you love his face at the end?

P.P.S. Tomorrow is another transport day! A whole caboodle of cats and kittens is heading for Forever Home Feline Ranch in Springfield, Illinois (again! yippee!). I'll post about them tomorrow! So excited that we can save more kitties together!

Thanks to Cute's amazing video-finding friend, Lauren G., for sending this in. We can always count on her for ridiculously adorable video finds!

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  1. So cute!!my dad has a GoPro camera like that & he loves it. You can capture some amazing things with them!

  2. I love the one on the end who is sitting there all smug! and his friend in the middle tried to show him how to do it. too cute!!! Hope the transport goes well!!!!!

  3. I just wanted to reach in & help him. So darn cute. Love that face. Good luck with the transport & thanks to everyone.

  4. Oh! Doesn't it make you want to give Spotty a little help? I felt that disappointment too - always falling down. Lots of good wishes for this upcoming transport! Travel safe everyone!

  5. It's adorable how determined those sea lion pups are.


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