Jun 29, 2010

Two Cats Tuesday: Moo Wears Short Shorts

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads!

Today Moo would like to show you his silly side. Wait, check that... he's silly on all sides. But this week, he did something SUPER silly.

He wriggled his way into my shorts! On his own. With no help from me. See??? He really does like wearing clothes!

You see, I have this habit of trying on 100 things before I find something I like. What I decide against goes on the floor until I'm all satisfied, and then I put it all back in the closet (eventually, hehe). And this is what happened...

Moo loves to sit on my clothes. But this day, he was rolling around and playing on/in my shorts and shoved his head in the leg hole...

And got all the way in until my shorts were at his waist. That's where shorts go, right?

Then he started rolling around and getting all comfortable... and it was just too ridiculous not to share with you all!

And... we have some exciting news! Guess what's coming up in just a few days, on the 4th of July?!? Here's a hint:


  1. Too friggin funny! You're hilarious with the countdown to Pimps birthday!

  2. Moo, you are such a little silly-billy!

  3. They are both so cute, Happy Bday to Pimp! He's a Yankee doodle dandy!

  4. Oh my stars Moo ~ you are just too funny and cute ~ a wonderful combination!

    Have a terrific week!
    xo Catherine

  5. Moo, you just want to be a model don't you. Mom needs to get some clothes just for you so you don't have to wear hers.
    We will be back to celebrate Pimp's special day.
    Have a good one.

  6. Yea for the countdown.... Not long now Pimp....

  7. Moo, you big silly! Yes, shorts go around the waist, but you're supposed to fit your legs into the leg holes.

    He does look adorable. My cats love to lie on my clothes too, but they have never tried them on.

  8. Moo, you are just awesome!!

  9. Every other kitty in the world is trying to avoid having to wear clothes (Daisy excepted), and here is Moo putting them on himself!

    P.S. Thanks for your help with the black kitty at the kill shelter! It seems like it's taking half the cat blogosphere to rescue her! No wonder GA shelters are so high-kill!

  10. Silly Moo!
    I can't wait for Pimp's birthday party.
    Will there be apples?

  11. You are now a top model Moo! Oh my, I smell a pawty!

  12. Wow Moo, that is pretty funny that you put the shorts on yourself! We are very impressed! And how cool that Pimp's birthday is on July 4 - so is Virgils!


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