Dec 3, 2011

Cats vs. Christmas Decorations

'Tis the season to take all the Christmas decorations (a.k.a. cat toys) out and make the house a giant kitty playground for the holidays! This video is what most homes probably look like...

My favorite part, and it's not even really decoration-related, is the big cat sitting his pudgy butt in the box. Wait for it. You'll see!

This video also really good because at the end it lists all the dangers and things to be careful of with cats and Christmas decorations. You can make your home festive, but make sure you keep it safe, too!

BONUS CLASSIC CUTE: Simon's Cat "Santa Claws" (Cat vs. Tree)

NOTE FROM CUTE: Thanks so much for everyone who came out to our Santa Paws Drive Twitter party last night! In case you missed it, here is the post I wrote about all the exciting news and announcements we made. Two big things: We unveiled our raffle prizes for this year ($1 a ticket and we have over $1,000 in pet prizes!) and I need your help voting on Tuesday! Click here to see why. I'm SO excited!


  1. Wonderful video! The cats are having a great time. Watching this with a smile on my face was the best way to start the day!

  2. I like the video! The cats are having a great time! :) But I think that the cats can't stay alone woth christmas decoration!

  3. Very cute!!! And very mindful about all the dangers of the holidays to our furry and purry friends -- please be careful, to make sure that our kitties are there next year!!!

  4. This is a great little video... LOVE the reminders at the end... PLEASE CAT AND DOG proof your home!

  5. What a cute video! When I put my tree up, I have 2 special ornaments I bought from The Animal Rescue Site. They are 2 fat kitty ball ornaments and they are UNBREAKABLE!!!!! They go on the bottom of the tree in case the temptation gets the best of Lenny(Benny is a good boy) If Lenny whacks them, they won't break and there's no dangers. :) I can't wait to vote for Santa Paws Drive on Tuesday!!!!

  6. Kitties are very interesting around the holiday decorations, for sure.

  7. awww so cute.  My cat Hershey used to lie in a pile of branches from artificial tree and she would think she was out in the forest or something and she would look all wild eyed!!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing our video! We are still having fun over here at the Furball kitties house! Happy Holidays
    xoxoxo Furball Fables

  9. Ps. that is merlin who is sitting in the tiny box with his big fanny hanging over the edge! He would not give up that box for like 10 minutes! It was so funny! Makes us laugh every time!
    xoxoxo Furball Kitties

  10. You mean the cats can't have life giving pine water? (Water in the tree stand.)


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