Jun 22, 2009

Pimp Picks the Winner of the Snuggles Giveaway! (drumroll please...)

Attention Cuteheads! My cat, Pimp, just picked the winner of our latest giveaway!

As usual, we used the very scientific method involving Pimp and his favorite treats, Greenies. This time we cut out all the comments and laid them side by side (in no particular order). Everybody got a Greenie on their name.

Then, we unleash Pimp (this is the tamest unleash you'll ever see... don't laugh at him!), and whoever's Greenie he noms first is the winner!

The lucky person wins Snuggles, a handcrafted, genuine Italian, super plush, cute stuffed doggie (worth $109!) -- courtesy of CatsPlay.com! We named his Snuggles, but of course his new owner can rename him.

Are you ready to see who wins? OK, Pimp... let's go!

Congrats to the winner... Tia (@xerulean) whose favorite Your Daily Cute post is the Cat in the Box!

Didn't win? Oh, boo... Too bad we could only have one winner! Why not trot on over to CatsPlay.com and see what else they've got going on over there? They've got tons of cat toys, furniture, collars... you name it! It's not Snuggles, but Cute thinks you'll find something you like. :)


  1. Pimp, DOOD! wut tuk u so long? i wud has been all ovar dem greenies liek white on rice! gud job in pickin da winner tho an con-cats to tia @xerulean!!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHH That's awesome! :) That's the must unenthused cat unleashing, EVER :)

    Thank you!!!!! :) Now what?

  3. I call that self control!

  4. A very thoroughly kontemplated decishun, Pimp!

  5. Pimp!!!! Didn't ya see the extra greenies I set out on my entry??? Oh well, concats to Tia!

    The Brew (and BZTAT)

  6. What a great way to pick the winner. Pimp, you done good!

  7. "Wait... you actually want me to WORK? Let me ponder that for a minute," Pimp seemed to say.


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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